
Tuesday 17 August 2021

Lava and Earth Form

In Glen Innes School our teacher wanted us to learn about lava and the earth. My friend and I decided to make a form all about the earth and lava. We have decided to let you have a try at this google form, I hope you like it also I hope you can learn something from it.

Science - Heart Rate


Today at technology in science we our topic was about heart rate.

Firstly we had to watch a video to get a understanding of low blood pressure and high blood pressure. low blood pressure can be caused by internal bleeding or blood loss, also it can be caused by eating junk food. High blood pressure can be caused by not enough water  eating to much junk food or even by salt. Also high blood pressure can give you  stress or red eyes and also caused by not enough sleep. after the video we were given a smart watch, tennis ball and a timer. Next we had task to complete and there were 6 of them to test our heart rate. first it was sitting down and I got 74mmHg next it was jogging and I got 96mmHg and the list goes on. The last task  is running as fast as you can for 30s and my heart rate was 154mmHg, also the smart watch records our heart  rate. lastly we had to finish off our template and it easy.

Today at technology it was a fun experiment because it wasn't to much work and it was fun.

Wednesday 30 June 2021

Family tree


Today my class had to do a family tree. My family tree on my dads side doesn't go back far because I rarely visit my tongan side, but with my mum's side my Great Grandmothers, Great Grandpas, nanas and papas all live in the same house. I don't really know my Great Grandmother and Great Grandpas parents.

Tuesday 29 June 2021

Science: Bubble Science

 Technology today was fun because we were making bubbles.

Firstly we watched a video about how to make bubbles, the bubbles are made from water and soap. The water and soap are layered soap then water and another layer of soap, also the soap can have different colours if it reflects from the sun. if you use different shapes of wands it will still be shaped as a sphere because the air inside the bubble keeps its shape but there was no water inside the bubble will flop.

After watching the video we made our own equipment and liquid. Firstly we used the beaker and filled up half which was 125ml with water. Next we used a spatula which looks like a spoon and had to weigh 5 grams of sugar and tip it into the water. After we've tipped the sugar into the beaker we stir the sugar until it dissolves. After the sugar dissolves we went to another and used detergent and glycerol to make our bubble liquid. Firstly we used a syringe to suck up 10 ml of detergent and 3 ml of glycerol.

Mrs Sharma gave us three straws two small and 1 big straw also she gave use a wire type thing to us. We used the wire type thing you shape it into a circle wand and dip it into the liquid and blew bubble. The first task we done was very difficult for some of us because we had to make a caterpillar. The caterpillar was hard because the bubbles kept on popping. Also the different types of bubble no one could create was the cube bubble and the carousel. Only one of the student could make the cube bubble.

Today at technology was very fun and interesting because blowing the bubbles were fun to make but difficult at the same time.

Wednesday 23 June 2021

Reading: Ngatu

 Today I my group of people were reading about ngatu. 

Firstly we started reading the first small paragraph and it was talking about what the women do while making the ngatu. They all speak lea faka - Tonga (the Tongan language), And laugh a lot. Also they sing traditional songs as they put their hands into gooey and slimy white paste which is made from potato or cassava, flour and water. 

The second paragraph was about to little girls Lita and Megan from New Zealand learning about the tongan cultural ngatu making. On the saturday in the school hall in Taita, with their grandmothers, mothers, cousins and siblings at a workshop making ngatu. The two cousins spend a whole day with their grandmothers and they had lots of fun.

The process of making ngatu is they chop down the mulberry tree after they chop the mulberry tree down the women are to peel off the bark with their teeth. After they've peeled the bark off they hang it in the sun to dry, when it finishes drying they soak it in water to soften it after it softens they use a wooden tool to beat the bark to make it thinner. When they finish beating the ngatu into nice wide and big pieces they leave it out to hang to dry in the sun.

Lastly they use brown dye and use the husk of the coconut as utensils. It takes an entire group of women to dye  or paint the ngatu because it's gigantic. After they've made the epatterns they leave it out to dry in the sun one last time and the ngatu is finished.

I enjoyed reading about this story it taught many things about how to make ngatu and whats it's used for. The story was very interesting it also taught some of the tongan kids in our class what some of the words mean in the story in tongan. 

Tuesday 22 June 2021

Science: Flower Power

Today at Technology my group were learning about flowers.

Today we were learning about the hibiscus. We were watching a video about how to dissect the flower, firstly you'll need a sharp knife or a butter knife just to cut down the middle. but it was tricky for us because the stigma snapped off easily so we had to be very careful when cutting the hibiscus. After we've dissected the hibiscus we carefully separate the  parts inside the hibiscus.

When we finished dissecting the hibiscus we could see the different parts of the hibiscus like the novel was very tiny and you could barely see the seeds inside it, we put the different parts of the hibiscus on the cutting board so we could get a clear view of the different parts. 

After viewing the different parts we used the ovule under the microscope but before it went under the microscope we had to use the knife or something blunt to mash up and place it on the glass and a little drop of water and then put a small piece of glass over the ovule. We put the ovule under the microscope and if you put it under some sunlight you can see the little parts clearly.

At technology today it was very interesting and fun because we got to use the microscope and it was some of our first time using it. It was cool to see the little particles and it was a clear view.

Monday 21 June 2021

Tree of Life - Google

 This google form is what I've learnt about coconut tree.