
Monday, 1 July 2019

mechanical fix

When my dad arrived he helped the son fix his shabby old car
then when they finished they went to work.

One day my brother had a shabby car that he bought it off
someone then when he went to start up the car he lifted up the
hood then he saw something very suspicious so he had to
dismantle the engine to see what went wrong so he got nervous
so he called me to operate the tools because he had real
difficulties operating the engine.
Next we fixed the engine so he went off to work and there was
a traffic jam so he got so tense that he overtook everyone then
he almosted merged into another car so when he got into his
office then sat down and said to himself it’s tranquil so he looked
out his window and said “it's very peaceful in the city’’.then he
walked out of his office to check on the people that were working
and they were working very fine until I noticed that when my car
broke down I saw dirt on a man and it was obvious that he
dismantled my car.after that I followed him through an alley way
that leads through a path where my brother lived then he snuck
into my dads house then he killed my dad so I hid behind the
bushes then I emerged out of the bushes then attacked him and 
sent a report to the police.

The favourite part that i liked was when the son attacked
the man and sent a report to the police.

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